Dear Baby,
Yesterday, we got to meet you on the ultrasound machine, and guess what?? We found out that you are a boy! Your daddy and mommy were so surprised and so excited! Last week we went to see a friend who is a sonogram tech and when she looked at you, you were very shy, but she thought maybe you were a girl, so when we found out that you were a boy it was such a nice surprise! Your daddy got especially excited. He asked the technician, "Are you sure? Really?!" several times. We are so happy to have a son, baby, and we are so excited for Charity to have a little brother!
The best part, though, was simply that we got to see you in there. We got to see you moving and we got to watch you wave your hands and see that miraculous spinal chord that always takes my breath away. God is such a miracle worker that you are just perfectly growing there inside me! I don't know how He does it, but I love Him for it... and I love you!
Now comes the fun of buying blues and greens, ball caps and polo shirts, toy trucks and trains. What a change to our family having a little man in it will bring! We cannot wait to have you a part of it!
To put the icing on the cake, today was the first day I felt you kick! Thanks for saying hello!
To read more posts like this, check my pregnancy blog here:
And my blog of letters to Charity here:
Super duper excited! Either way would have been cool, but yeah for a boy! Looking forward to hearing the name, whenever you decide to share. I'm sure it will be fun to design a boy's room and I can't wait to see what you come up with. So happy :)
Very exciting, congratulations. So fun to have one of each! I know from experience.
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